MusicMiss Asian Beauty 2017 Plays Former Lover of K-ICM in “Tuy Hoa” Featuring Talented Vocalist Xesi

Nhan5 years ago2

At 8 pm on July 3rd, 2020, “Túy Họa” officially released on K-ICM’s Official YouTube. His comeback had remarked the first collaboration between him and singer Xesi after parting ways with Jack (J97).

The magical main voice of the hit song “Túy Họa” is that of Xesi. She sings on the background music of producer K-ICM. Moreover, the historical space of the MV also helps her convey the emotions in each of the words of this song.

tuong linh tuy hoa xesi kicm

(Tường Linh Miss Asian Beauty 2017) Source:

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Most audiences are satisfied with “Túy Họa” in both the sound and images. Also, the scenes are prepared carefully by K-ICM so it is quite visually appealing. Following the music video “Túy Họa”, it takes us to a magical place in the context of an ancient restaurant where people from all corners of the world from different eras dine. The sad love story also starts from this place.

xesi tuy hoa vpop idol


In this MV, Miss Asian Beauty 2017 Tường Linh played a beautiful woman but her life is difficult. She is betrayed by her man in front of her former lover, K-ICM. Although Tường Linh and K-ICM do not love each other anymore, K-ICM still devoted himself to save her in a dangerous situation.

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After being saved, Xesi becomes lovesick with K-ICM. When she wakes up every day, she thinks of him and hopes to meet him again.  Unfortunately, she cannot have him because K-ICM falls in love with Tường Linh. She can only watch him from afar, follow him around and support him as much as possible.

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After a few days, “Túy Họa” has reached the top 15 on Trending Vietnam YouTube with approximately 2.6 million views views and 53 thousand likes. “Túy Họa” has gained positive comments from netizens.

tuy hoa k-icm xesi vpop news


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This shows that K-ICM is a talented producer and getting better every day. They hope that his comeback will be successful and supported by everyone.

Tuy Hoa:

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Why so many dislikes?? This song is good


Jack and K-ICM had a falling-out some time ago and many fans took sides with Jack (J97)