MusicErik and Suni Ha Linh Dressed up in Matching Styles in the Vpop Song “An Sang Nha”

Quinn4 years ago1

Erik released a teaser video and poster of the song “Ăn Sáng Nha” on May 26th. In the teaser video, he incarnated a worldly-wise man in a tuxedo ready for a dream-like wedding.

As a true groom, not only does he dress up smartly, but also gets right inside of a groom’s character, bursting into tears when his bride and her father walk into the aisle.

suni ha linh erik vpop idols

(source: Suni Ha Linh’s Facebook page)

Thanks to that tear-drop moment, the teaser MV gained so much positive feedback from the audience. On June 3rd, the performer of “Em Không Sai, Chúng Ta Sai” officially unveiled the MV “Ăn Sáng Nha”.

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The song is a shared production of Erik and Suni Hạ Linh, two popular idols in the Vietnamese music market. The tune is the newest production of Khắc Hưng, the most sought-after musician at the moment. Erik and Suni Hạ Linh played a role as a real-newly-wed couple that is ecstatic in their marriage.

erik suni ha linh an sang nha music video


Not only are they in harmony with their voice but they also show caring gestures towards each other. The MV “Ăn Sáng Nha” revolves around an old promise they made to each other that they will have breakfast together every single morning.

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However, there is a funny fact, Erik had to cook to show his love to Suni Hạ Linh, but he always got in trouble at the very last minute. Previously, Erik also conceded: “I am not accustomed to being a family man, however, I have the same character to this man in the MV, also when I love someone, I give her my heart and soul, so it was not very challenging.”


Besides, after releasing the song “Em Không Sai Chúng Ta Sai”, Erik received many comments telling that he is always the one suffering in his own stories because every MV of him has a tormenting ending such as “Chạm Đáy Nỗi Đau”(break up because of his childishness), “Có Tất Cả Nhưng Thiếu Anh”( break up because of his poor background), or “Em Không Sai Chúng Ta Sai” (because he does not dare to commit, his girlfriend leaves him for seeking security in love).

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Therefore, the audience was always hoping that he would have a happy ending once in his MVs, the song “Ăn Sáng Nha” is that very “oath-breaker” for Erik after numerous sufferings.

An Sang Nha:

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This song is really cute. A perfect combination between Erik and Suni Hạ Linh. Looking forward to more than the couple’s future cooperation