MusicSuni Ha Linh Releases “Say Em Vi Dau” Featuring Pham Dinh Thai Ngan in Their Very First Product Together

Quinn4 years ago

Enchanteur officially released the newest MV “Say Em Vì Đâu” on their YouTube channel on August 31st. It is the very first association of the brand with a young, charming vocalist of Vietnam – Suni Hạ Linh.

The MV “Say Em Vì Đâu” marked the collaboration of Suni Hạ Linh and a good-looking male singer, Phạm Đình Thái Ngân. The song belonging to the opera music and containing a dozen of positive love message was composed by a renowned songwriter Khắc Hưng.

suni ha linh vpop singer

source: Suni Ha Linh’s Facebook page

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Within a short period after the song’s release, it rapidly gained a grand support from the Sugar fandom (name of Suni Hạ Linh’s fan club) and the majority of music aficionados.

suni ha linh say em vi dau vpop


In the MV, Suni Hạ Linh is incarnated as a gorgeous, dazzling woman. With such a mild touch coming together with an enchanting fragrance could make a guy fall head over heels for her. Based on the MV “Say Em Vì Đâu”, Suni Hạ Linh once shared that she hoped the people who listened to this song, particularly young girls, would learn to love, take good care of themselves and be more confident in life. “Learn to love yourself, then love will come to you.” said Suni Hạ Linh.

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suni ha linh say em vi dau enchanteur vpop music

source: Suni Ha Linh’s Facebook page

Besides, consequently, this is the time that Suni Hạ Linh first performed this kind of music genre, it was a real challenge to her. The MV required her an acting skill of a professional actress to expose the personality of the girl in the MV. Thanks to Khắc Hưng’s support, Suni Hạ Linh could present precisely what Khắc Hưng implied to convey through the main character.

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Moreover, the Vpop MV is inspired by the sprightly, sweet, enchanting vibe of Enchanteur – one of a brand of WIPRO UNZA group.

suni ha linh say em vi dau enchanteur vpop


This brand provides quality products and memorable fragrances that enhance a woman’s beauty and confidence. Suni Hạ Linh introduced to girls tips to build up and maintain their beauty with Enchanteur products in the MV to help them be more confident and live a healthy life.

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