MusicLyLy Releases MV for “Vi Em La Con Gai” a Song To Cherish the Ladies

Quinn4 years ago10

LyLy officially released the new MV  “Vì Em Là Con Gái” on April 28th explaining reasons why girls always take so much time to dress up before going on a date.

The MV is telling guys that if understanding a girl is as hard as solving a mathematical problem, no matter how good guys are at math, they would give up on this issue. Being complicated is an instinct characteristic of women.

lyly vi em la con gai mv

credit: “Vì Em Là Con Gái” MV

They are somehow sophisticated and manic, not following any rules or patterns. Even though girls are hard to please sometimes, they are still tremendously adorable in many cases since she has “1001” reasons to justify for themselves.

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credit: “Vì Em Là Con Gái” MV

After all, if a girl likes you, she will start worrying about what to wear, what hairstyle to do, so that she could be charming in front of you. Therefore, should you complain about girls being “a bit” late to prepare for that?

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credit: “Vì Em Là Con Gái” MV

Up until now, LyLy’s music has never put her fans down. Starting up as an excellent candidate of the show “Sing My Song” and a member of the music band “Hello Yellow”, LyLy was a diamond in a rough. Only when debuting the song “24H” in December 2018, she legitimately drew people’s attention ever since. With an elegant fragile girlish look and a charming smile, LyLy is well-received whether it’s LyLy in MV or reality.

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credit: “Vì Em Là Con Gái” MV

Not only does she sing beautifully, but she is also a gifted songwriter. She has created a series of big hits such as “Anh Nhà Ở Đâu Thế”, “Không Sao Mà Em Đây Rồi” and “Không Yêu Xin Đừng Gây Thương Nhớ”. The song “Vì Em Là Con Gái” is a special gift written by herself to particularly partake in the album “vita-mood” along with other singers such as Indie, Chillies, Cá Hồi Hoang, Kiên, and Thịnh Suy.

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Vi Em La Con Gai:


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I think the lyric is not related to MV, but anyway the scenery of MV is quite nice ~


This song just speaks my heart out. ❤️


@sienna_davisn Ikr it’s so much does so. 


It’s true we girls can be hard to understand. But it’s not a fun life if everything is simple. The song actually portraits the message very effectively and a big shout out to LyLy. 


@jaden_66 ikr the message is pretty solid. it’s not easy to understand women it takes a lot of patience and love to understand them, and that’s the beautiful part about it. 


@walikirito true that women can be difficult to understand but its what is beautiful about them. And LyLy’s song explains it in the best way. 


Lovely as always. LyLy always amazes us all. 


@aang_avatar she definitely does. I just wish her music grows big soon.


@aang_avatar she definitely does. I just wish her music grows big soon.


Loved every bit of the MV ❤️❤️❤️