MusicA Man Who Stood by His Crush in Pain in Only C – “Nguoi Dang Thuong La Anh”

Quinn3 years ago10

Only C has officially launched a new MV named “Người Đáng Thương Là Anh” composed by a young and talented songwriter – Nguyễn Phúc Thiện.

“Người Đáng Thương Là Anh” has a ballad vibe that contains a pianissimo tune and narrative lyrics expressing a man’s deep feelings when he is in a romantic relationship with a heartbroken girlfriend.

only c nguoi dang thuong la anh

photo: “Người Đáng Thương Là Anh” MV

The MV’s story is about a guy who constantly, unwaveringly, stands by the side of a girl who is in pain and suffering from her previous relationship. As soon as he understood that the girl had no feelings for him, he grieved silently and felt powerless during the awkwardness and avoidance of concern. In the MV, the guy becomes mired when he has to let go of his girlfriend and watch the girl walk away to follow another man.

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nguoi dang thuong la anh only c mv

photo: “Người Đáng Thương Là Anh” MV

Throughout his latest MV, Only C would like to refer to the message that “no matter who you are, a man or a woman in a relationship, there will always be a time that one suffers in a relationship even though those feelings remain unsaid and unexpressed.”

nguoi dang thuong la anh mv

photo: “Người Đáng Thương Là Anh” MV

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The reason Only C decided to produce the MV “Người Đáng Thương Là Anh” is because of the musician Nguyễn Phúc Thiện – his brother. Only C once shared that: “In the past, my brother only wrote songs according to my will and order, however, this time is different. He took the initiative to pitch a song to me. Thien has matured, and I have grown to be together with this new song”.

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The MV “Người Đáng Thương Là Anh” has now garnered more than 3.58M views and 40 thousand likes on YouTube and been available on OnlyC Production YouTube channel.

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Nguoi Dang Thuong La Anh:

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The music video for Anh Là Người Đang Thương beautifully captures the essence of unrequited love, showcasing the raw emotions and selflessness of a man silently supporting his crush through difficult times, making it a poignant and relatable portrayal of unspoken love and sacrifice.


Only Có Người Đang Thương Là Anh truly strikes a chord with its poignant lyrics and Kha’s soulful voice, reminding us of the bittersweet feeling of loving someone from afar and the strength it takes to silently stand by their side.


the music video. It’s great to see such a meaningful and well-made piece of music coming out of Vietnam’s vibrant music scene.


The song “Only You Who Are In Pain” is a touching reminder of the power of standing by someone you care about, even in their darkest moments. I remember supporting a friend through a difficult time and how much it meant to both of us to have someone to lean on.


I’m really impressed with how well the song is able to capture the feeling of being in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way. The lyrics are so evocative, it’s almost like you’re living them yourself.


I’ve seen this video a few times now, and it never fails to make me cry. It’s so moving that he stood by her side even though he was hurting too. Sad ending =(


@BenjaminNgo The song “Nguoi Dang Thuong La Anh” is a beautiful tribute to the power of love and the importance of standing by those we care about, even in the toughest of times.


This is heartbreaking. I have gone through something similar. I really liked a guy who had recently ended a long relationship. We started dating and he was not completely over her. I thought spending time with me would change this but I just felt completely disconnected from him most of the time. We ended up breaking up because he was not ready to be with someone new. He ended up going back with her a few months later and they got married! 


I know how much it hurts to have someone who is just not over their ex.

I’m still not over my own ex, and it’s been two years. I’ve dated other people since then, but it’s not the same as having her in my life. I think sometimes we need to take a step back and realize that we can’t make someone love us if they don’t want to.

It sucks that he went back with his ex-girlfriend after dating you for a while, but at least now you know what kind of guy he really is!


I love the way they captured this with the setting of the rain to really amplify the emotions he was feeling. The song itself is well written and really tugs on your heartstrings! 

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