MusicAndiez Marks His Return To Vpop With an Emotional Music Product “Cho Doi Co Dang So”

Quinn4 years ago

Andiez Nam Trương – a Vietnamese renowned musician who has conferred a title “hit-maker” has just officially released the song “Chờ Đợi Có Đáng Sợ”. He is now back on the game with a vengeance after a year-long hiatus.

It should come to no surprise that he is one of the most sought-after musicians in Vietnam. If you are a Vietnamese music aficionado, you must have heard of those massive hits, “Suýt Nữa Thì”, “1 Phút”, “Anh Vẫn Hy Vọng”, “Em Không Tồn Tại”, “Anh Đang Ở Đâu Đấy Anh”, and most recently “Anh Đánh Rơi Người Yêu Này”.

andiez cho doi co dang so vpop mv

source: “Cho Doi Co Dang So” MV

Furthermore, Andiez Nam Trương is a powerful man standing behind the success of Chi Pu and Hương Giang idol. All of his songs rapidly fell into many of numerous music charts after its release. There is no denying that the identity of the music style of Andiez Nam Trương is a taste of the majority of people. Even though the music videos of his songs are not impeccable, it always makes the listener tune in every time he launches a new song.

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source: “Cho Doi Co Dang So” MV

In 2019, Andiez only had unveiled one production “Anh Đánh Rơi Người Yêu Này” and took a break for a year-long that caused a big question to his fan. Ultimately, Andiez reappeared with the song “Chờ Đợi Có Đáng Sợ” stirring up the music game again. As shared, even though “Chờ Đợi Có Đáng Sợ” came to his mind spontaneously, it is the biggest project of Andiez Nam Trương.

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andiez cho doi co dang so vpop music

source: “Cho Doi Co Dang So” MV

Andiez once shared that the song was inspired by the novel book “Bên Nhau Trọn Đời” of Cố Mạn – one of the most acclaimed book writer in China. Like other previous hits, every song of his originated from little stories in life and experience. Therefore, many people questioned about the title of the song when it was just released.

andiez nam truong vpop artist

source: “Cho Doi Co Dang So” MV

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The title itself is as well a rhetorical question. To explain to this question, Andiez stated that “People are always afraid of waiting for someone to love them. They are afraid because they do not know how long they have to wait, whereas, as to me, the await is not the scariest thing, but the situation after that. Or maybe the thing that scares us the most is the one we love will put us and that love in oblivion.” That is also the perspective that Andiez Nam Trương implied in the song “Chờ Đợi Có Đáng Sợ”.

Cho Doi Co Dang So:

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