Music“Bang Lang Hoa No” Talks About the Love Memories of Singer Anh Rong

thipthip083 years ago10

Anh Rồng is currently a young Vietnamese singer specializing in rap music, which is interesting and loved by many young people. He is currently one of the prominent members of the famous group G5R Squad.

Besides the collaboration songs with the members of the G5R group, Anh Rồng also has his songs that attract the attention of many interested young people such as “Vách Ngọc Ngà”, “Hóa Tương Tư” and “Than Thân”.

With extremely powerful and impressive rap lyrics to express thoughts about life, love, friendship, etc., which are making Vietnamese youth feverish. Since then, they have also obtained extremely positive achievements in terms of views. It is this love of the audience that gives Anh Rồng more motivation to continue to try harder. Most recently, male singer Anh Rồng released the song “Bằng Lăng Hoa Nở” on June 16, 2022.

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“Bằng Lăng Hoa Nở” is about a boy’s unrequited love story. Although he liked the girl, he did not say it, only when she got married did he realize it was too late to say he loves her. Perhaps the only memory between them is the valley of lilies, so the song is also named after this flower.

The linden tree by the river has flowers and leaves”

Remember the old days when we sat together?

The linden tree is not tall, it’s short.

With a leafless mausoleum.

No fruit, no flowers.

The song has a fun, easy-to-listen tune. The details in the MV and lyrics are very humorous, bringing laughter to the listeners. It is this fact that has attracted the attention and love of the listeners. The song conveys positive energy to listeners.

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Bang Lang Hoa No:

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I’m sorry to hear that Anh Rồng had to go through such heartbreak, but I’m glad that her music is able to connect with others who may have gone through similar experiences, have any of you ever had a past love that you just can’t forget?


The way Bằng Lăng Hoa mixes pop and traditional Vietnamese music is like adding sriracha to your pho, it just works. The lyrics are so nostalgic and heart-wrenching, it’s like listening to a Vietnamese version of All By Myself by Celine Dion. Anh Rồng’s love story may have ended in separation, but at least he left us with this beautiful song to remember him by.


I am not really a fan of their music, normally but I did enjoy this song when it came out. 
Maybe my taste in music is changing as I am getting older. They always have fun music videos though!


I don’t remember them ever wearing wigs before this. I know there was a bleach blond moment but maybe those were wigs too? It didn’t seem like it though. 


@pinkcherie I don’t think they have in the past.
Either way, it is a cool look for the music video. It makes each one of them stand out more. 


I have heard this song before and enjoyed it but I had since forgotten about it. I couldn’t remember who it was by either. This just saved me a bunch of time looking. I added it to my new playlist. 


Interesting style, I wonder what the colorful wigs represent


@mlemmlemz I didn’t realize they were wigs. Is it a trend now or something? I seldom see men wearing them unless they need to from balding. 


The music is catchy, but maybe I am too old for it? It doesn’t appeal to me enough to want to listen to it all the time. Maybe I am just not into rap as much as I thought I was. 


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