In this song, Chi Dan suddenly changed the previous music to switch to Rap style. On January 7th, he released a teaser about a song “Buon Mot Chut Roi Thoi”. After a series of hits that he collaborated with composer Nguyen Dinh Vu such as “Chuyen Anh Van Chua Ke” and “1234”.
On the evening of January 10th, he officially released the MV of this song. This release is considered one of the breakthroughs in his career. The song was composed by Nguyen Dinh Vu, its rap genre marked the first time Chi Dan joined the underground music scene.
Besides the cheerful melody, the content of “Buon Mot Chut Roi Thoi” is quite interesting. The script revolves around a guy who has fallen in love with a beautiful but naughty girl (Emma Nhat Khanh played) whom he met in front of her house.
Chi Dan had to find romantic ways to express his feelings for her which all ended up being funny instead. He coddles a special “shoe” from the girl and used this shoe to express his affection. In the end, it was unexpected that the shoe belonged to another girl, the “bearded” girl he dreaded throughout the music video.
Although the part of rap does not take much time in the song, the lyrics are quite relatable to young people and expressed in a humorous way. Along with the fun scenes, the song was considered as a new breath of fresh air in V-pop at the beginning of 2019.
Buon Mot Chut Roi Thoi:
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