MusicLiz Kim Cuong Released Her Third MV “Thoi Gian Cua Anh Tinh Yeu Cua Em” Making It Her Most Productive Year Ever

Quinn4 years ago5

Liz Kim Cương officially released the last music video of the mini song album “Bài Hát Tên Gì” on October 6th. The new song is aimed to mark her imposing comeback in Vpop.

It is said that Liz Kim Cương is one of the most productive and prominent singers in the year 2020 as she continuously launched two music videos within a month: “Khác Biệt To Lớn” and “Em Cần Một Người Quan Tâm”.

thoi gian cua anh tinh yeu cua em liz kim cuong

source: Liz Kim Cuong’s Facebook

The former song has reached 30 million views in only two months after its launching day, and the latter has also garnered 3.3 million views on YouTube within less than three days of release.

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liz kim cuong thoi gian cua anh tinh yeu cua em vpop mv

source: Liz Kim Cuong’s Facebook

It did not stop there. Liz Kim Cương has just unveiled a new music video named “Thời Gian Của Anh Tình Yêu Của Em” in October. The song is associated with a male Vietnamese singer-songwriter, Trịnh Thăng Bình.
It is known that the song “Thời Gian Của Anh Tình Yêu Của Em” is the last song in the album “Bài Hát Tên Gì” that Liz Kim Cương was nourishing for a long time.

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vpop liz kim cuong thoi gian cua anh tinh yeu cua em

source: Liz Kim Cuong’s Facebook

The track “Thời Gian Của Anh Tình Yêu Của Em” was composed by Trịnh Thăng Bình, a companion and fine composer that Liz Kim Cương wholeheartedly believes in real life as well as in business. The tune belongs to the ballad type of music that always brings the best of her voice.

liz kim cuong thoi gian cua anh tinh yeu cua em

source: Liz Kim Cuong’s Facebook

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Besides, the MV’s content revolves around the life of an adorable girl who spends most time of her youth for a guy, but all she takes in return is carelessness and ignorance. The girl incessantly reminisces those old days, and always tells herself to keep those memories even though the guy unflinchingly leaves her. It is the theme of the whole album “Bài Hát Tên Gì”.

Thoi Gian Cua Anh Tinh Yeu Cua Em:

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Thank you for sharing this song, I couldn’t know her before. She has really a nice voice also she is so pretty.


Her voice is soooo beautiful.


Thank you for sharing this, I might have not gotten the chance to listen to this if it weren’t for you sharing this post. 


For sure an amazing song at the end of the year. Loved it. 


This is so beautiful and soothing to listen to. I actually got to listen to this song while I was watching a beautiful sunset, this song just made the sunset even better.