MusicLow G Pours His Heart Out Through a New Track Called “Khong Thich”

Nhan3 years ago7

After an impressive MV called “Tam Giác”, Low G confided his thoughts through “Không Thích” MV that was posted on March 31st, 2022. Currently, “Không Thích” has reached over 3 million views and 79 thousand likes on YouTube. With simple and effective words, Nguyễn Hoàng Long has completely conquered rap fans in the first rap verse.

“You can hate Low G when my music style is so new.

But dare, you can hate Nguyễn Hoàng Long if you meet me in real life.”

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This song has an impressive flow and unique lyrics that will resound in the future. Low G expressed his sophistication, humility, and observability through his song. Undeniably, Low G understands himself very well. This is also a reason why his product can receive more achievements.

The content of this song talks about his dislikes in his life. Low G dislikes talking about how to earn money. He also hates talking about his work because he knows that everyone has to work. He also does not like writing about effort because it is not his style. He just wants to compose something which is related to his real life such as talking about his friends or his daily routine after work.

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He shared that even though he is a famous person, he is still himself. He still cleans the toilet, cleans the house, or does everything he wants as a normal person does. Sometimes when he meets problems in his life, he just hangs out with his friends to deal with it. If you pay attention to all his songs, you can see that his songs just talk about realistic things, not flowery words. This is also the reason why he can touch his fan’s hearts effectively. You know, the truer the art is, the more valuable it is.

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Khong Thich:

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Low G’s new track Khong Thich is a moving testimony of his struggles and obstacles in life. The poignant lyrics, combined with haunting instrumental beats, make for a heartfelt expression of his determination to pursue his passion for music despite negativity from others. It’s a powerful piece that showcases Low G’s raw talent and vulnerability as an artist.


I have this on my playlist. 
When it first dropped, I wasn’t sure about it but it grew on me the more I heard it and now it is in my top 10 rotation. 


How many songs has he released this far? He seems to be one of the most productive artists in Vietnam! If he is not releasing his own tracks, he is making music tracks for other artists. 


The more music I hear by Low G, the more I like him. I can’t say I have found anything not to like about him or his music at this point. 


Another good track. I can’t say he has released anything I don’t like.
This one has more emotion behind it for sure but still had the same flow and vibe you expect from him.


Low G is an amazing artist and I hope to see him continue to rise. He seems to have a very down-to-earth nature to him which I think attracts more fans. 


I’ll just say this, Low G is one of the best and he will be one of the artists that give credit to Vietnamese music as a whole and bring people into the genre from other places. I adore his music! 😍