MusicLyLy Drops an Emotional Track “Nguoi Ta Dau Thuong Em” To Console Girls Suffering From Broken Love

MyMy4 years ago2

LyLy officially launched her latest MV “Người Ta Đâu Thương Em” on February 3rd, 2021, which doesn’t belong to any comeback plan.

LyLy wrote the song a long time ago but recently she got the inspiration to complete it. Within only six days, she finished the MV and it became her first music project at the beginning of 2021.

lyly nguoi ta dau thuong em vpop

source: “Người Ta Đâu Thương Em” MV

“Người Ta Đâu Thương Em” is a gentle ballad song combined with LyLy’s clear emotional voice. The song closes with the warm vocals of Anh Tú by a message of guys who are always willing to love the girl.

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source: LyLy’s Facebook

The lyrics of the song are the heart-warming consolations that LyLy wants to send to girls who have suffered the intense bitterness of love.

lyly nguoi ta dau thuong em vietnamese song

source: “Người Ta Đâu Thương Em” MV

It presents deep empathy and understanding for the pains that those with fragile hearts have to bear, as well as reminds them to be strong to live for themselves.

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source: “Người Ta Đâu Thương Em” MV

“Just one time, live for yourself
You deserve better than that
Why do you need to pretend to be strong
When your tears are rolling.”

Do not foolishly chase a heartless guy and hurt yourself because you deserve to be loved. Someday you will find someone who appreciates you, protects you, and is willing to let the world know how much he loves you.

lyly nguoi ta dau thuong em

source: LyLy’s Facebook

Via the image of LyLy seductively appears in the green scenery, together with simple, eye-catching footage in the vast space of the cornfield in Da Lat, LyLy wishes to bring a sense of peace to heal tormented souls.

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source: LyLy’s Facebook

As a gift to girls, the song quickly got a lot of views and positive comments from the audience.

Nguoi Ta Dau Thuong Em:

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I love it. ❤️ It’s an amazing song the way she tells us about her past and her love experience is legendary. You need hella guts to be tell such a heart shattering story in the form of a song. 


Beautiful song. The emotion are just addictive. I know this is a big deal to get the courage to sing a song like this when things that happened in the past are holding you back. But by making this song she has out done herself once again. Love to LyLy.