MusicNetizens Flabbergasted by OST “Tu Do” of Mat Biec From Famous Vietnamese Singer-Songwriter Phan Manh Quynh

Quinn5 years ago

The movie is based on a book written by bestselling children’s author Nguyễn Nhật Ánh. The book was published in 1990 and became one of a bestseller at that time.

Mắt Biếc tells the story of Ngan, and his childhood friend, Ha Lan, throughout their old school years. They are deemed to have everlasting love. Nevertheless, things change since Ha Lan comes to a big city for her study. She turns love to a city boy but is betrayed, Ngan still always stands by her side.

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Tu Do is one of the three main songs of the film composed and performed by Phan Mạnh Quỳnh. The song was humming in a spectacular rose myrtle as sweet as inmost feelings of that rural boy, who dedicates the entire life to love Ha Lan. As soon as the album was released, the song wins all people’s hearts with its slight melody of pure and innocent love.

phan manh quynh to do mv


During the movie, “ Từ Đó” was resounding again and again but each time it touches deep down inside every soul. With all amorousness and profundity, the song is not only sweet for Ngan to express his feelings to Ha Lan but also sorrowful to arouse an inconclusive love affair.

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One more unique and intriguing thing of this song is the Vpop MV, not utilizing pictures or any materials from the movie, the audiences are amazed by a creatively animated video. A young fellow holding a guitar hangs in midair whilst “Miss Mat Biec” is as beautiful as a fairy in a “white Ao Dai” ( traditional Vietnamese dress). “Từ Đó” is the sweetest and the most vivid piece of Mắt Biếc. Things come and go momentarily, but perpetual things are always there as well. And “Từ Đó” is one of those.

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