MusicPham Quynh Anh Teams up With Vietnamese Rapper Ricky Star for “Vi Anh La Gu Chi”

Quinn4 years ago4

Phạm Quỳnh Anh was born in 1984 and used to be a member of Sắc Màu and HAT music crew. In 2012, she married a renowned impresario, Quang Huy, and have two daughters together.

After that, Phạm Quỳnh Anh put a provisional stop on her singing career to help her husband run his company and produce movies. Fast forward to 2018, the two are divorced.

pham quynh anh vpop singer

source: Phạm Quỳnh Anh’s Facebook

Phạm Quỳnh Anh again continued to pursue her singing path. In October of 2020, she officially came back with the songs “Điều Gì Đến Sẽ Đến”, and “Cây Xương Rồng Mạnh Mẽ”. Recently, the single mom is back on the music market with a song named “Vì Anh Là Gu Chị” featuring Ricky Star.

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pham quynh anh vi anh la gu chi ricky star vpop - Copy

source: Phạm Quỳnh Anh’s Facebook

The Vpop MV revolves around an unrequited love story between her and a guy who is one year younger. In the MV, directed by Khương Vũ, Phạm Quỳnh Anh played the role of a schoolgirl with a strong character. She falls in love with a guy younger than her and tries to find ways to draw his attention.

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However, that guy already gives his heart to another charming girl. He even asks Phạm Quỳnh Anh for a piece of advice about how to confess his love impressively to the girl.

pham quynh anh vi anh la gu chi - Copy

source: Phạm Quỳnh Anh’s Facebook

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Vi Anh La Gu Chi:

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Hope Quynh Anh and Ricky Star will have more songs together. she looks so cute in her school uniform. 


The rap part is not my style kkk but the story also melody kinda catchy and fun 👍👍


I agree with you @naruto_sun this is a great song plus it actually emphasizes on breaking the stereotype of age in many societies. Loved the song and how they put it uo with video. 


This is a great effort to break the stereotype of age among different cultures. I love the way they made the song so they could do such an amazing thing. I personally don’t like how people say age matters, but it doesn’t. I love the song.