MusicPhan Manh Quynh Join Hands With Rapper Karik in “Dan Ong Khong Noi” for the Tet Atmosphere

Quinn4 years ago4

Phan Mạnh Quỳnh and Karik collaborated in a new MV named “Đàn Ông Không Nói”. The MV tells a simple but concise story suitable for the Tet atmosphere in Vietnam.

The tune’s lyrics whirl right into the introspection of menfolk. Being men, they are expected to be much stronger than women in most circumstances. Therefore, behind the word “It is fine” or “It is okay, do not worry” are tears shedding down inwardly.

phan manh quynh vpop artist

source: Phan Manh Quynh’s Facebook

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Phan Mạnh Quỳnh and Karik wrote a song to speak up on behalf of all men about things that would never be complained about, even though it is not at all trouble-free sometimes.

phan manh quynh karik dan ong khong noi vpop

source: “Đàn Ông Không Nói” MV

Traditionally, it is known that men are deemed to be the breadwinner in the family, nevertheless, life has not always been easy for all of them, especially in this time of crisis due to Covid-19. There are days when they struggle to put food on the table or hardly get by.

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phan manh quynh karik dan ong khong noi rap viet

source: “Đàn Ông Không Nói” MV

Despite that, a man of the family would never stop striving for a smile on the face of his beloved. That is the meaningful message aimed to convey through the song “Đàn Ông Không Nói”.

dan ong khong noi phan manh quynh karik

source: “Đàn Ông Không Nói” MV

Get inspired by the creativity and talent in Vietnamese music.

Currently, rap is quite prevalent in Vietnam, so when being asked if that is a reason for him to decide to work with Karik, Phan Mạnh Quỳnh frankly shared: “that is one of the reasons making this cooperation happen, however, other elements such as topic, theme, and melody of the song were also a needy consideration”. Besides, Phan Mạnh Quỳnh added that he also wished to have chances to work with Binz, Hà Okio, Đen Vâu, Suboi, Đạt Maniac, Wowy, and many other talents soon.

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A great combination, all of Phan Manh Quynh’s songs, the melody is wonderful and pleasant. 


We should “action is louder than speak” and don’t be a great talkers but little doers.


Love the message they’re sending. Men can have emotions, and can go through depression. I have dealt with a lot of problems in my life. 


This song truly portrays the reality of a male dominated society and it’s flaw of men not being able to express their feelings like us women. It’s so true that we don’t look at the feelings of men and consider it week that men shouldn’t express sadness or sorrow at all. This was a song with a deep and huge msg.