Sơn Tùng M-TP released “Chạy Ngay Đi” over a year ago on May 12th, 2018. This song currently sits at 117 million views on YouTube. This song was composed by Sơn Tùng M-TP and belongs to the hip-hop genre mixed with R&B. “Chạy Ngay Đi” has a vibrant, strikingly bold and quick melody.
The music producer of this song is Onionn who also produced the remix version of this song seen below this article. The lyrics reveals a rich boy on his way to find true love but all the girls just came to him because of his money. When he realizes his girlfriend loved him for his materials, that triggered him to the point he wanted to kill her. Yet he warns her to run now before terrible things happen to her.
Source: nhadautu.vn
However, after the anger settled down, he becomes a lonely and hurtful soul that was hidden behind the angry appearance. Sơn Tùng always sings very quick in his songs and this song isn’t an exception so fans had a hard time hearing the lyrics of “Chạy Ngay Đi” clearly.
Source: laodong.vn
The content of MV was made by the Korean crew of director Koinrush with the participation of Thailand’s famous actress Davika Hoorne as Sơn Tùng’s girlfriend. This Vpop music video describes the anger of Sơn Tùng through footages of burning everything, throwing a knife at Davika and tying her to a chair.
Source: msn.com
“Chạy Ngay Đi” MV got many great achievements such as a million views on YouTube after 18 minutes, 22 million views within a day. This MV also sat at Top 15 videos that had the largest view numbers in 24 hours in the world and even overcame the record of BTS “DNA” MV. In addition, after its release, this MV sat at Top 1 Trending on Vietnam YouTube, Top 2 Trending on Japan YouTube and appeared on Top Trending in many countries such as Germany, Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Canada, Singapore, etc. Also, “Chạy Ngay Đi” was one of five nominations for Music Video Of The Year Award at the 14th Âm Nhạc Cống Hiến Award.
Source: cafebiz.vn
After “Chạy Ngay Đi”, Sơn Tùng made a comeback with “Hãy Trao Cho Anh” on July 1st, 2019 that featured Snoop Dogg and gained almost 132 million views on YouTube within a little over a month.
Besides, he owned multiple songs that received over a hundred million views such as “Nơi Này Có Anh”, “Lạc Trôi” and “Chúng Ta Không Thuộc Về Nhau” with 216 million views, 205 million views and 157 million views respectively. These great achievements show that Sơn Tùng M-TP is undoubtedly the hottest Vpop idol today and only a very few other Vietnamese artists can come close to him.
Chay Ngay Di: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32sYGCOYJUM
Stay inspired by the creative energy of Vietnam’s top musicians.
Chay Ngay Di Onionn remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vtBgNxMyZI