MusicTrang Thien Exhilarates Fans With “Duoc Khong Anh” Featuring Vietnamese Rapper Magazine

Quinn5 years ago

After the MV “Chia Tay Đi Em Hiểu Mà” was launched a while ago, Thiên Trang is now back on the game with her newest song “Được Không Anh”. With the Pop R&B genre, the song was welcomed enthusiastically by the audience because this kind of music genre is inherently catchy and modern.

In this MV, Trang Thiên emerged with a new image that is elegant, charming, and amiable. Besides, the MV “Được Không Anh” was filmed in Đà Lạt City (The City of Eternal Spring in Vietnam) contributing to building up the graceful poetic colors of the music video.

duoc khong anh trang thien vpop


“Được Không Anh” was a big step in transforming the image of Thiên Trang, thanks to that the audience could see even more of her in many various incarnations.

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The tune is the first collaboration of this young vocalist with the rapper Magazine who used to contribute in many massive hits such as “Đường Một Chiều”, “24h”, and that is also the reason why the song “Được Không Anh” was more attractive when it first came public. Earlier, many cynic comments said that their voices could not go together because it contradicted the tones and light notes, however, this turned out to be a perfect match of this duet.

duoc khong anh trang thien music vietnam


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The MV content revolves around a couple that has been split up for a while. One day, coincidentally they run into each other at a coffee shop. The day after, the girl makes her mind to dress up and makeup beautifully, choosing her best dress ever, and heading to his house. Nevertheless, the MV did not end up in happiness as we all wish it to, she just comes to return the remembrances of those old days while he is thunderstruck by his then girlfriend’s action.

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Sharing about the song, Thiên Trang said:

Find your next favorite song with our latest Vietnamese music releases.

“I feel it is so hard to find true love in life, especially, in the time being that we are frequently tied up with the career hamster wheel. We tend to unintentionally forget the people who love us to chase other things that we want to. Therefore, the message I want to convey through this MV is no matter what may happen in our lives, we should always stay strong, and dare to do great things that we think is worth doing without any hesitation, but please take time to care for those who love us because they deserve to feel loved.”

Duoc Khong Anh:

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