MusicVan Mai Huong’s “Nghi Ve Anh” MV Is About a True Tragic Love Story

Arian6 years ago

On the evening of October 4th, 2018, Van Mai Huong officially released the MV called “Nghi Ve Anh”. This is a song she cherished for 6 years before officially launching to the public. The song was written by the composer Vu Ngoc Bich specifically for Van Mai Huong.

Vu Ngoc Bich shared that this song was taken from the true love story of her close friend. That girl had a happy small family and her husband was also very good. But one day, he suddenly said goodbye to her. To take sadness in that love story, Vu Ngoc Bich composed the song with the lyrics containing the pain of the girl.

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Van Mai Huong said that she received this song 6 years ago but at the age of 18, she did not have enough confidence to express the emotions in that song. That’s the reason she did not dare to work on this song until now. Now that she is older, she has enough confidence to capture the mood of that woman. Furthermore, she cried many times when she sang the emotional lyrics.

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In “Nghi Ve Anh”, Van Mai Huong continues to promote her knack for sad music and she has succeeded in conveying the feelings to listeners. Besides, her acting ability was also judged to be great and genuine. Part of this song’s success was thanks to almost half of the crew being Japanese. The MV was filmed in Japan with a Japanese filming director, Taiga Koyama. The warm voice at the beginning of the MV was done by Oda Rui.

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