MusicWhat Made the OST “Yeu La Tha Thu” by OnlyC of ‘Em Chua 18’ Reach Over 127 Million Views?

Esther5 years ago

Yeah1 Music channel premiered “Yêu Là Tha Thu” on April 12th, 2017. This is an Ost of the great film Em Chưa 18. In the beginning, its title was “Yêu Là Tha Thứ” (Love Is Forgive) but OnlyC decided to change it to “Yêu Là Tha Thu” because of the word “Tha Thu” was being a trend on social media by Sơn Tùng M-TP.

OnlyC also admitted that he changed the song name to get attention from fans. This song was written by Nguyễn Phúc Thiện and was sang by OnlyC. It is a ballad song with a mellow melody and meaningful lyrics about love.

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He remembers the first time they met, she had a boyfriend who made her cries a lot. He wanted to tell her to be stronger and help her forget the bad lover. Day by day, he gradually captures her heart by experiencing sad and happy moments together.


Her love is a gift that he deserves to take after much effort healing her wound. He supposes that one the heart loves, it is ready to ignore the past of each other. The important thing is how they build their future together.

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Source: YouTube

The content of this MV was interleaved between footage of Em Chưa 18 and images of OnlyC performing the lyrics of the song by his hands. The idea to record the hand lyrics was given by Lê Thanh Sơn who is the director of Em Chưa 18. He said that emotion can be easy to understand when using the vocal but using acts and eyes are harder to feel. Once they can understand the feeling by acts and eyes, it is more meaningful and honest.

Both the lyrics, melody and images of this music video touch the heart of fans so it’s easy to get 47 million views within only a month and 100 million views after 10 months of its release. This is the second Ost reached 100 million views on YouTube (Vietnam) after the song “Bống Bống Bang Bang”.

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