NewsHa Anh Tuan and Co. Donates up to 3 Billion VND to Heal the Bridge of Hope for “Nhu Chua He Co Cuoc Chia Ly”

LyLy5 years ago1

After 13 years of conducting “Như Chưa Hề Có Cuộc Chia Ly”, this program helped hundreds of cases of lost relatives meet each other in the highest happiness.

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Source: Hà Anh Tuấn’s Facebook page

However, owing to the lack of financial budget, this program encountered a sad situation which would have likely stopped the program.

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Source: Hà Anh Tuấn’s Facebook page

Luckily, Ha Anh Tuan and his company decided to donate three billion VND to “Như Chưa Hề Có Cuộc Chia Ly” so that there will be more people having the opportunity to find their relatives.

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Source: Hà Anh Tuấn’s Facebook page

Ha Anh Tuan shared that he has admired this program since the first episode and he would like to contribute partly to the journey of humanity as long as he can.

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That’s donating roughly $130,000. Vpop idols are getting paid.