NewsVpop and Kpop Idols Introduce Vietnamese and Korean Cuisine in “An Di Roi Ke” (Delicious Drama Tour) Program

LyLy4 years ago1

Vietnam is referred to as one of the paradises of food. It is also one of the most fascinating parts of the country’s culture.

trinh thang binh an di roi ke vpop news


Wonderfully, some Vietnamese artists will introduce some of Vietnam’s favorite dishes to Korean artists and vice versa in the “Ăn Đi Rồi Kể” (Delicious Drama Tour) program.

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MC Đại Nghĩa, singer Trịnh Thăng Bình, and actress Diệu Nhi will take part in the program with Korean artists like Oh My Girl, Momoland, AB6IX, and Kim Min Kyu. After learning the recipes from chef Park Joon-Woo, the Vietnamese artists will bring these recipes to Vietnam and join in the challenges.

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Trịnh Thăng Bình shared that he feels very excited and the barrier of language is easily erased thanks to the happy laughs and great food. The program will be aired on KBS WORLD, Arirang TV, and HTV channel.


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I love it! I want to try so many different types of Vietnamese food, I haven’t had a lot of Korean cuisine though, but I’m always open to trying something new! :)