MusicA Detective Unfolds a Tragic Crime-Ridden Love Story in Vu Duy Khanh’s “Chi Khi Anh Mot Minh” Featuring DatG
Quinn5 years ago
After leaking the teaser video with a series of horror scenes, On April 8th, Vũ Duy Khánh officially released “Chỉ Khi Anh Một Mình” MV on his YouTube channel (Vũ Duy Khánh official) and the Vpop song reached 2nd on Zing Chart within three hours. The song belongs to the ballad genre, which is inherently gentle and pianissimo to listen to. “Chỉ Khi Anh Một Mình” is exclusively composed for Vũ Duy Khánh by ĐạtG...